With all the claims making the rounds about CBD’s health benefits, it’s not always easy to know what’s legit and not. But if you’re wondering about CBD for arthritis, you’re in luck. Arthritis is one area where it seems CBD claims may be solid.

If you’re researching for an elderly friend or relative — and think arthritis can’t affect you — you may want to rethink that stance. Arthritis affects 1 out of every 5 American adults. And they’re not all retirees.

About half the people with arthritis are between the ages of 18 and 64, and more than 300,000 children have some form of the disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) forecast a 40% increase in arthritis in the next twenty years.

So, can CBD influence these stats and provide arthritis sufferers with some relief? Quite a few arthritis experts think it might.

Now, most of the research on CBD and arthritis to date involved lab animals, not humans. So there’s that. And, a lot of past studies focused on cannabis or CBD-and-THC combos, not straight CBD. But now that CBD-rich hemp is legal in the U.S., CBD research is rolling, and arthritis is a primary research focus.

To grasp the excitement in research labs, it helps to understand the disease. There are dozens of types of arthritis, all with different causes and treatment plans. But all arthritis has one thing in common: joint inflammation. And that’s one area where CBD shines.

Two types of arthritis are most common:

  • Osteoarthritis – A degenerative disease, it’s the progressive joint deterioration associated with wear and tear from injuries, overuse or age.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis – An autoimmune disease, it involves your body’s immune system attacking and damaging your own body.

Research shows CBD may help with both.

With arthritis, CBD can work to prevent inflammation and the pain inflammation causes. But it doesn’t stop there. Studies show that CBD may also protect the nerves themselves. These neuroprotective qualities can prevent lasting nerve damage often caused by arthritis — and prevent the chronic pain that would normally follow.

Research also provides a clue as to the type of CBD product you should buy for arthritis relief. In animal studies, CBD fought arthritis-related inflammation and joint pain best when it was applied to the skin and absorbed at the joint site.

When taken orally, CBD didn’t deliver the same results. If this holds true with humans —and researchers believe it might — topical CBD preps like lotions, salves and creams may be your best relief route.

If you’re ready to try CBD for arthritis or any other conditions, remember: Even though it’s everywhere, a lot about CBD is still unknown. FDA regulators are still working out the kinks, and over-the-counter products run the gamut in accurate labeling and quality of ingredients.

If you’re taking prescription meds, check in with your doctor before you start CBD. It can interact with other medications, and you definitely don’t want that. Then stick with premium CBD companies you can trust, and stay keyed into Pot.com. We’ll keep you posted on the best in CBD products and the latest wins in CBD and arthritis research.


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